
To get started with xeda, first create a design.json file for your design. This file contains metadata, list of source files, and flow settings regarding your design. Below is an example design.json which can be adapted to any design.

    "design": {
        "name": "mydesign",
        "description": "This really cool design",
        "author":["Dr. Seuss", "[Xena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xena)", "[Kamyar Mohajerani](mailto:kammoh@gmail.com)"],
        "url": "https://github.com/KeccakTeam/Xoodoo.git",
        "sources": [
                "file": "src_tb/tb_s.vhd",
                "sim_only": true
        "vhdl_std": "02",
        "vhdl_synopsys": true,
        "top": "TOP",
        "clock_port": "clk",
        "tb_top": "TB_TOP",
        "tb_generics": {
            "STRING_GENERIC": "hello",
                "file": "../data.txt"
            "INT_GENERIC": 123
        "generics": {}
    "flows": {
        "diamond": {
            "fpga_part": "LFE5U-25F-6BG381C",
            "clock_period": 11.061946902654867,
            "synthesis_engine": "synplify",
            "strategy": "Timing"
        "vivado": {
            "fpga_part": "xc7a12tcsg325-3",
            "clock_period": 4.369,
            "strategy": "Timing",
            "optimize_power": "False",
            "sim_run": "all"

After the design.json file has been created for your design, you can now use xeda to generate simulation, synthesis and implementation results for your design using the supported tool of your choice.

For example, if we want to simulate the above design with GHDL, we would run

$ xeda run ghdl_sim

If our design.json file is renamed or not in the directory that xeda is called in, we can explictly specify the path of the file with the --design-json argument

$ xeda run --design-json xeda_configs/design_1.json ghdl_sim

If we are satisfied with the results of the simulation, we can have xeda synthesis and implement our design. For example, with Xilinx Vivado:

$ xeda run vivado_synth

That’s it! That’s all xeda requires to simulate, synthesis, and implement an HDL design.

As always, you can run xeda --help or xeda run --help for the full list of arguments